NANOanalyse for micROmanipuLate

SP4-Platform: Integration and management of the platform


This project is a "platform project" where a simulation and a measurement platform on microforces will be developed. This platform is open to academic and industrial partnerships.

Composition of the station

The following figure pictures the state of the station.

The NANOROL platform.

The basic platform is composed of:

The environment is controlled using the following materials:

Possible configurations of the platform

The following figures picture two possible configurations of the NANOROL station.

Vertical configuration of the platform.

Horizontal configuration of the platform.


The platform uses the software AP2M (Application pour le Pilotage de MicroManipulations) for the control of different modules of the station and the acquisition of measures. A special module of the acquisition for the platform give :

The following figure pictures a part of the user interface to manage the platform.

User interface.

Examples of measurements

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